"A singular noun requires a singular verb a plural noun requires a plural verb.Mandell, Writing First With Readings: Practice in Context, 3rd ed. "Most subject-verb agreement problems occur in the present tense, where third-person singular subjects require special verb forms: regular verbs form the third-person singular by adding -s or -es to the base.Subject-Verb Agreement With the Third-Person Singular "If an apparatus is capable of determining which hole the electron go es through, it cannot be so delicate that it do es not disturb the pattern in an essential way." (Richard P.Gass, "In the Heart of the Heart of the Country." In the Heart of the Heart of the Country, 1968) "Billy close s his door and carri es coal or wood to his fire and close s his eyes, and there 's simply no way of knowing how lonely and empty he is or whether he 's as vacant and barren and loveless as the rest of us are-here in the heart of the country." (William H.In all other respects, a hen is ahead of any stove that was ever built." (E.B. "For mothering chicks, a stove ha s one real advantage over a hen: it stay s in one place and you always know where it is.He catch es it on the short bounce with a quickness that startle s them." (John Updike, Rabbit, Run. "The ball, rocketing off the crotch of the rim, leap s over the heads of the six and land s at the feet of the one."Man hunt s and search es on his whirling globe and whenever he unearth s a miniature truth within his environ, he think s himself close to the peak of science." (Dagobert D.Milne, "Teddy Bear." When We Were Very Young, 1924) Our bear is short and fat, Which is not to be wondered at."(A.A. "A bear, however hard he tri es, Grow s tubby without exercise.