Certain Eucharistic rites (Origin, Cyprian, Basil) Certain baptismal rites (Tertullian, Origen, Basil, Jerome, Augustine) The Lenten fast (Irenaeus, Jerome, Leo) 37) of some of the traditions that can be traced to the early church: Yves Congar, in his “The Meaning of Tradition,” (and derived from his scholarly “Tradition and Traditions” and a textbook for Roman Catholic seminarians), provides a list (pg. But it’s also one of just a handful of such “traditions.” Most of these are really just practices, which in fact are no longer practiced. It’s true that Lent is one of the earliest church traditions. I’m reprinting it here as a reminder that many of us will see folks walking around today with little black dots on their foreheads, and they no doubt will have been taught that this little black dot is somehow a mark of piety. This is essentially a reprint of a blogpost I had written about a year ago. For all you Protestants, you should know that there’s a difference between “tradition” and “Tradition” in Catholic understanding. For all you Catholics out there, today is “Ash Wednesday,” traditionally held to be the beginning of the Lent season – the 40 days prior to Easter, reputedly a very old tradition of the early church.